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    Acne Treatments That Work

    Acne is common but not limited to teenagers. Charecterized by pimples and zits on face, neck, shoulders and back acne can be embarrassing problem. Acne treatment is necessary to get a clean and clear skin. There are many different acne treatments available. Let us look at some of the common acne treatments.

    Types of acne treatment

        * Natural acne treatment
        * Herbal treatment for acne
        * Laser acne treatment
        * Blue light treatment
        * Acne antibiotics
        * Treatment by Benzoyl Peroxide

    Natural acne remedies are simple, home based remedies for acne. This method employs the usage of natural ingredients like honey, lemon juice, aloe vera, consuming vitamin rich diet, keeping personal hygiene and consuming a diet which is low on saturated & processed food stuff.

    Herbal Acne treatments are based on herbs that purify our blood. These extract of these herbs helps to detoxify our body, increase the body immunity so our liver and kidneys can carry out their functions in a better way. Some examples of herbal remedies are red clover, Dandelion root tincture, Milk thistle seed and Goldenseal.

    Laser Treatment for acne is done by a heated laser beam, which removes the glads that are responsible for acne. Laser acne treatment also removes blemishes and scars caused due to acne. Laser treatment for acne has become really popular in recent years and is good solution for you, if you don’t mind spending money for your beautification.

    Acne Antibiotics treatment is based on antibiotic drugs that have to be consumed orally. These antibiotics help to cure acne. Let’s understand how acne antibiotics work. Antibiotics are drugs that kill germs and harmful bacteria. Acne antibiotics treat acne by killing bacteria that cause acne. Ance antibiotics are known to have side effects and should not be taken without a proper prescription from a skin specialist or a dermatologist.

    Benzoyl Peroxide treatment is used to cure non inflammatory cases of acne. Basically, benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that cause acne. The drawback of this treatment is – once you stop the usage of this method, the bacteria might return and acne can be caused again. It is available in different forms like creams, lotions and gels and of different concentration like 2.5%, 5% and 10%. Always consult a doctor before trying this treatment for acne because of the possible side effects. Common side effects: allergy, dryness, skin irritation.

    Blue Light Treatment for acne has not yet been approved to FDA to treat acne and it is used as a cure for cancer. It involves the usage of high intensity blue light for acne scar treatment. This treatment is under reaseach and the studies are on.


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