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    Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment - Bleeding Hemorrhoids | Hemorrhoids Relief For Bleeding Piles

    Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment

    You know you are experiencing bleeding hemorrhoids when you notice painless bleeding or protrusion during a bowel movement. Blood can be seen on the toilet paper, in the toilet bowl or within the stool.

    Bleeding hemorrhoids treatment can be quite effective in repairing the rupture or damage of the delicate lining which covers the hemorrhoid, as well as addressing the hemorroid itself and the underlying causes. Depending on the severity, bleeding hemorrhoids can be treated successfully with conventional medical treatments as well as natural remedies. This article is going to look at some of the conventional medical treatments options available for bleeding hemorrhoids.

    For severe bleeding hemorrhoids, surgery is usually unavoidable. This is why hemorrhoids should be treated during the early stages to avoid complications of a surgery. Hemorrhoid surgery is notorious for its extreme post surgery pain and long recovery periods.

    A stapled hemorrhoid ectomy is a more welcome bleeding internal hemorrhoid Treatment as it does not cause as much pain as a regular hemorrhoid ectomy and has a faster recovery period. This procedure involves using a circular stapler to reduce the degree of prolapsed hemorrhoids. Although this procedure is more commonly used for treating prolapsed hemorrhoids, it is also commonly used to treat severe bleeding hemorrhoids.

    Stapled hemorrhoidectomy, also known as Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids (PPH) was first described by Dr. Antonio Longo, an Italian surgeon from the University of Palermo, in 1993. Since then, it is widely used in all over the world.

    This procedure has gained much popularity due to the avoidance of the need for cutting any tissues in the sensitive perineal area. This significantly reduces the patient's post surgery pain. This bleeding external hemorrhoid Treatment achieves similar results as a true hemorrhoidectomy but with much less pain and suffering.

    PPH has since undergone numerous tests and trials and it has been proven that it is safe and efficient. As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications. Thus far, there are reports that patients experience urinary retention during the post surgery period.

    Another treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids is Hemorrhoidal artery ligation (HAL) which employs a proctoscope coupled with a Doppler transducer to identify and ligate the hemorrhoid's arteries. Because the arteries are ligated, it results in less pressure from the hemorrhoids internally. Clinical tests have shown that HAL is relatively painless, safe and efficient. HAL has a low rate of complications. Thus this is a more preferred alternative to other forms of bleeding hemorrhoids treatment surgeries.

    If your bleeding hemorrhoids are not severe, then you will most likely not need surgery of any kind. If that is the case, you might want to consider some of the natural solutions on our best hemorrhoid treatments page.


    1. This article is going to look at some of the conventional medical treatments options available for bleeding hemorrhoids. cure Bleeding Hemorrhoids



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