I’m Tim and with my wife Lisa, we’ve tried just about all of the fad diets out there and wasted money on ab machines. Some of them gave us small results but nothing noticeable.
Did you realise that most of the advice from those ‘experts’ regarding your diet is full of crap? Seriously, don’t believe us, please do you own research.
Anyway, we found a program written by top nutritionist and trainer Mike Geary which told us the truth on how to lose stomach fat fast and keep it off. It contains zero BS and shows real food changes and exercises (no endless crunches, they don’t work!) which really works for us.
What we use is simple to follow and does not involve eating crazy fad foods or endless rabbit food.
As well as looking better, we have tons more energy and a much more positive outlook on life!
So we wanted to share with you some tips from the weight loss program that changed our lives.
Cut Down on Danger Foods
You may find this surprising but certain carbohydrate foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta and sugar based ‘foods’ are one of the main culprits of how to burn belly fat.
Even supposedly healthy ‘whole grain’ bread is just as bad.
You see, when you eat high carbohydrate food, the body will use that for energy, instead of stomach fat and convert any left over carbs into more fat.
And have you ever wondered why you have a craving for more carbohydrate foods soon after eating some? That’s what they do!
The course has a lot more detail on these foods, plus various healthy and delicious alternatives. If you don’t want to get the course, at least try to cut down or stop eating bread.
Eat Fat Burning Foods
If you want to know how to lose stomach fat then you will be surprised to hear about certain foods which, contrary to popular belief, are actually great for losing stomach fat.
There are too many to list here but eggs (yes, with the yolk), avocados and some nuts (walnuts and almonds are two examples) are actually great at getting rid of belly fat.
Eggs have been given a bad name by so many clueless fitness ‘professionals’ who say you shouldn’t eat the yolk.
They couldn’t be more wrong! The yolk contains lots of calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, B12 and many other essential nutrients.
These nutrients and the healthy fats helps to control your appetite, balance fat-burning hormones and help you to burn stomach fat!
Full Body Exercise
I say ‘full body exercise’ because those sit ups, crunches and ab machines are a waste of time and money.
Like a lot of people, I’ve tried doing sit ups and crunches for months and I never saw any noticeable results. I may have been building my stomach muscles slightly but I couldn’t see it because of all the stomach fat!
Now the exercises are important but don’t forget to change your food lifestyle as well – you need both.
The exercises which work will only take you around 30 minutes a day and you’ll have a complete body workout.
The Truth About Abs program can give you loads more exercises but you can get some of them from our lose fat and gain muscle page.
It’s really quite easy and we found it great fun!
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