It is a known fact that yeast infection is due to overgrowth of yeast in any particular part of the body. What causes yeast infection? There is not a single thing which yeast infection causes, there are many things, but very common causes are due to usage of pills which later causes reduction in acidity of your vagina, some antibiotics as well as menstruation since blood is basically an alkaline and pregnancy. Other yeast infection causes are bad clothing habit, improper balance in hormones, stress, using scented female hygiene products and also bad diet plan.
Usually lowered immune system causes a rapid bacterial growth, this always happens if you are sick or stressful and sleepless.
Other causes of yeast infection:
Too much sweating which leads to increase in the level of pH.
After using toilet, wiping improperly from rear to front.
Poor habit in your personal hygiene.
There are some hygienic body sprays and perfumes there, using that will lead to allergy and yeast infections.
Other chemicals such as inks, dyes can trigger allergies and then yeast infections.
Yeast infection causes,causes of yeast infection,what causes yeast infection Use unscented and undyed toilet papers.
Adrenal burnout.
Taking Birth control pills.
Constipation problems.
Toxins in environment.
Wearing tight garments.
Using infected needles can cause yeast infection. These needles are capable of transmitting various infections.
Low number in white blood cells.
The above are the most common yeast infection causes. Refer to the yeast infection symptoms to make sure you are affected by yeast infection. If you feel symptoms are right, consult with a doctor and get prescribed, there are instant yeast infection home remedy there too.
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